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Financial Planning

Our advisors are available to work with clients in making major life and financial decisions. We believe in the importance of financial planning, and we provide advice and guidance as requested as part of our wealth management services.

The planning process starts with establishing an Investment Policy Statement (IPS): this outlines a client’s investment objectives and constraints, and also addresses liquidity needs, time horizon, asset allocation, security selection, tax sensitivity, investment preference, etc.

Meet Your Financial Planning Team
  • RETIREMENT PLANNING: This is the primary goal for many of our clients. We look at it as an integral part of their financial plan and it often drives portfolio management decisions.
  • SCENARIO TESTING: By modeling different scenarios, we can help clients make life decisions. Retirement age, real estate transactions, anticipated inheritance and spend rate are just a few examples of these, and assumptions such as return, volatility, taxes and inflation can be easily modified.
  • ESTATE PLANNING: When requested, we can work with clients’ attorneys to help ensure that accounts are titled correctly, beneficiary designations are appropriate, and trusts are established and funded appropriately.
  • TAX PLANNING: In addition to managing investments as tax efficiently as possible, for clients who draw from their portfolio, we can manage the distributions from pre-tax and after-tax accounts to help minimize taxable income. Often working collaboratively with client CPAs, we offer tax efficient strategies for managing concentrated positions, inherited assets, low cost basis stocks and employee stock options.
  • INSURANCE ANALYSIS: When requested, we can introduce you to unaffiliated dedicated insurance specialists to review existing policies and offer insurance solutions to keep you and your family protected.
  • CHARITABLE GIVING: We can help clients maximize their charitable giving by coordinating the donation of appreciated stock or Required Minimum Distributions to provide tax benefits alongside their giving.
  • COLLEGE FUNDING ANALYSIS: There are many questions surrounding college planning, including how much to save, what type of account to use, and whether to incorporate loans.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY MAXIMIZATION: Determining when to start Social Security is an important piece of retirement income planning, and we are here to help clients analyze their options and make the best choice for them.

Please Note: Limitations. The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement, and the specific requests and needs of the client. Grimes does not serve as an attorney, accountant, or insurance agent. Grimes does not prepare legal documents, nor does it sell insurance products. If the client desires, one of Grimes’ representatives, in their separate licensed individual capacities, can be engaged to provide insurance sales/services as described on Grimes’ written disclosure Brochure (a copy of which is linked to this web site) per the terms and conditions of a separate engagement and fee.

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